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Sharae Spears sexy wallpapers

Sexy, nude Sharae Spears wallpapers - page 1

Sharae Spears sexy wallpapers and pictures gallery. Sharae Spears (born May 18, 1984, and lives in Knoxville, Tennessee), is an American model. She was Playboy's Cyber Girl of the Month for August 2008 and Cyber Girl of the Year for 2009. Sharae stands 5'5". She measured 34D-23-34 and weighed 105 pounds when she was chosen as Playboy's Cyber Girl of the Week for April 14, 2008. She later was promoted to Cyber Girl of the Month for August 2008[1] and eventually attained the title of 2009 Cyber Girl of the Year

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Sharae Spears , playmate, actress, glamour model, hot ass, nude, erotic

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