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Sexy, nude Vida Guerra wallpapers - page 1

Vida Guerra wallpaper, curvy latina glamour model and sexy actress hd wallpapers and pictures gallery. Vida Guerra (born March 19, 1974[1]) is a Cuban-born American model, actress, and singer. Her first notable appearance was in the U.S. edition of FHM magazine in December 2002; since then, she has modeled for many other men's magazines. Born in Havana, Cuba, Guerra moved to the United States soon after, ending up in the town of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. While growing up, she entered several fashion shows modeling swim wear, and appeared in a few music videos.

Vida Guerra Twitter Page Vida Guerra Instagram Page Vida Guerra Page
Vida Guerra, curvy, buxom, latina, glamour, erotic, bikini, underwear, sexy back, actress, singer, media, IFBB pro, fitness diva

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